The fight is scheduled to take place in England on March 14, 2009 (Source). This will be the biggest test in Amir Khan’s young boxing career after falling victim to a first round knockout at the hands of the undefeated Columbiam underdog Breidis Prescott, one would think Khan would continue to slowly take on fights to build up his confidence before stepping up to a fighter the caliber of Marco Antonio Barrera. Marco even though 34 years old is still a live opponent not nearly as war torn as his rival Erik Morales, the Veteran will cause some very tough obstacles for Khan. But there is no counting out an old dog just yet, as we witnessed the 40 something Bernard Hopkins Decisive Victory over the Undefeated younger Kelly Pavlik earlier this year. Anything can happen in boxing an aging champion could still have that 1 great fight left in him, could this be Barrera’s? Khan will soon be heading back to Hollywood, California to continue is tuteledge under Freddie Roach who is familiar with Barrera’s style since he trained Manny Pacquiao to defeated Marco Antonio 2 times.
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