By Lester Salvador
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I had an argument with a Pacquiao fanatic the other day who told me Manny Pacquiao could easily destroy Roberto Duran prime for prime because as he put it “Manny Pacquiao can punch harder than Mike Tyson.”
I would like to warn any boxing fan that getting into a boxing debate with a Pacman fanboy is a no win situation, either way you lose because you are arguing with someone who only started watching boxing with Manny Pacquiao and has a limited amount of knowledge when it comes to the sweet science.

On the Cover: Roberto Duran, Boxing,
Photographed by: John Iacono
I will just cut to the chase, keep it short and simple, Manny Pacquiao wouldn’t last 5 rounds with Roberto Duran at lightweight prime for prime.
Roberto Duran the greatest lightweight boxer of all time, the man known as “Manos de Piedra” (hands of stone), Duran who knocked out a horse with a single punch as a teenage boy would destroy Manny Pacquiao.
Roberto Duran youtube highlight
Roberto Duran had fought in an era when every fighter was hungry and fought with heart and determination, also noted, Duran fought “PRIME” fighters he never had his opponents hand picked for him or drained.
Roberto Duran simply had too much power, a better chin, and too much pressure for Pacquiao, Manny wouldn’t know what to do if he had a guy like Duran pressuring him with combination’s, Duran would just shrug off any punch Pacman threw at him.
I believe Duran could take what Pac dishes out but I doubt that Pacman could take anything Duran would dish out to him.
For any of you Pacquiao fanatics who will disagree and hurl insults at me, even Manny Pacquiao’s own Master Freddie Roach said on ESPN that Manny would not be able to defeat Duran and said Duran is the greatest lightweight ever.
Watch the video and listen carefully to Freddie Roach at 2:48
So if you are gonna throw some remarks at me like I don’t know boxing, what is your opinion of Manny’s respected hall of fame trainer Freddie Roach, since he shares the same prediction as mine?
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I love the sweet science of boxing and enjoy sharing my opinion on it. Boricua!