By Charlie Knoxville
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With all of the Olympic blood testing demands implemented by the Floyd Mayweather Jr. side it only shows that Mayweather Jr. didn’t really want this fight in the first place and feared Manny Pacquiao.
Manny Pacquiao didn’t have to take no stinking extra blood tests, for what? When Pacquiao never failed a steroid drug test ever!
Floyd Mayweather Jr. on the other hand has used a painkiller Xylocaine that is banned in 49 states in his previous fights to help him fight through the pain if he breaks his brittle hands in a fight.
The only state that doesn’t ban Xylocaine is Nevada, makes you realize why Floyd Mayweather Jr. didnt want to fight in Texas in front of 100,000 cheering fans. Maybe Floyd only wanted to be the one with an unfair advantage in this fight, painkillers help combative athletes big time especially boxers who rely on their hands.
Floyd Mayweather Jr. is not the commission and has no right to tamper with another athletes body, leave that to the state commission and doctors.
At least we have an even better fighter on our hands a guy who is very dangerous and tough in Joshua Clottey. Clottey might not be famous or well known outside the boxing world as Mayweather Jr. but he is just as dangerous.
I have never seen Joshua Clottey dominated in any fight even when he loses, he actually makes his opponent’s look horrible even if they win. Miguel Cotto beat Clottey, he looked like he was run over by a Mack truck, many people felt Clottey actually won that fight.
Clottey has a huge chance of beating Manny Pacquiao, I would make Clottey the betting favorite to win in this fight that’s how much of a threat he is. Clottey has an iron chin, iron heart and never takes a step backwards.
Joshua Clottey was giving Antonio Margarito(the man who plastered his gloves) a tough fight before Clottey hurt both of his hands in the fight which limited his punch output. Even if Margarito’s gloves could have been loaded in the fight, Clottey took every punch Margarito could dish out, that shows you how good this man’s chin is and how tough he is.
Who cares about Floyd Mayweather Jr. when he doesn’t care about us, Mayweather doesn’t care about the fans and is scared to lose his undefeated record.
The man was even scared to finish Juan Manuel Marquez he was cautious of the blown up featherweight’s punching power that when Marquez did land a punch he would smile and back away real fast into a defensive mode.
Clottey doesn’t run, this man is an African warrior and people need to stop with this talk of boycotting Manny Pacquiao’s fights. Why would you boycott his fight when he is giving the fans exciting fights when he has consistently fought top guys and legends.
Mayweather on the other hand has openly admitted that he doesn’t care what fans say by his latest actions of putting up an absurd drug testing schedule that he wanted to enforce on Manny Pacquiao before their canceled March 13, fight.
Mayweather can go on and fight Matthew Hatton or Paulie Malignaggi for all I care. I know I won’t give him anymore of my money so he can pot shot all day and smile all the way to the bank as people leave the arena with a bad taste in their mouth’s.
I hope HBO PPV covers the March 13, 2010 Pacquiao vs. Clottey fight at Dallas Cowboy Stadium instead of Mayweather’s fight on the same date. What is the worse Floyd Mayweather Jr. gonna do to HBO? Claim they are racist? Oh I forgot Floyd Mayweather Jr. already used that one before “Mayweather Jr. plays Race Card says HBO is Racist”.
Also, his despicable cry on Joe Buck Live for the American fans to support him like we support our American troops was desperate and not genuine at all. The American troops die for their country, Floyd ain’t even willing to take on a tough fight. I am an American and like I said before I will support Manny Pacquiao.
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I am an avid fan of boxing and video games. My first fight of memory was watching Prince Naseem Hamed destroy Kevin Kelly. I enjoy all aspects of the sport. My favorite current boxer is Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao. My favorite boxing match is Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo 1. I love watching boxing on Pay-Per-View more than being there live because you can really enjoy and watch the action from the best view.