By Charlie Knoxville
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I can see why many American fight fans are assuming that Manny Pacquiao is on some type of performance enhancing steroids because he is denying the randomized blood tests Floyd Mayweather Jr. is demanding, but the discrediting of Manny Pacquiao and his accomplishments have been going on way before this Steroid debacle.
For many years in the United States of America, Asian men have had negative stereotypes associated with them in the media. The Asian man was considered frail, weak, timid, shy and a mathematician who get’s straight A’s in school.
Manny Pacquiao flexing during the Pacquiao-Cotto weigh ins (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)
Many fighters have climbed the weight classes but none as impressively as the Filipino fireball, Manny ” The Pacman” Pacquiao.
Pacquiao has gotten faster and stronger as he climbed the weight divisions.
His power and ability to take punches has been very impressive.
He reminds me of those old time throwback fighters like Henry Armstrong and Roberto Duran guys who could go up in weight and be successful.
It is something you rarely see an Asian do and that is dominate a sport that was dominated by Black Americans for so long.
You had your handful of good Asian champions from back in the day but mainly in the small weight classes not many have dominated and destroyed bigger men the way Manny Pacquiao has.
Pacquiao really does defy what many Americans have ingrained in their minds about Asians.
I admit I am guilty of being prejudice as well, I used to think the majority of Asians were not strong and could never make it in boxing. When Manny Pacquiao came along and did what he did I was shocked. I even asked myself “how could this little Filipino man do something like this?”
I came to realize he is just that special and that great regardless of his ethnicity or racial make up. He is just a special once in a lifetime fighter that we are lucky to witness in our time.
He doesn’t need to take steroids, EPO or growth hormones to beat these legendary fighters.
Why single out the only Asian man to be a pound for pound boxing king?
Well Manny Pacquiao was singled out even before this steroid controversy, every time he destroyed a legend the doubters already made excuses and whether people will admit to it or not the truth is a good majority of these Pacquiao naysayers discredit his wins because they do not believe that an Asian fighter can do the things he is doing.
From their mindset it’s just not possible.
Year’s from now Manny Pacquiao will be talked about and maybe get his full credit as one of the greatest boxers of all time.
With guys like Pacquiao you never truly appreciate what they have done for the sport until they are gone.
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