Top Rank Promoter Bob Arum gives his first major media interview with Fox Business. Arum talks about the hottest topic in boxing the Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. fall out, and believes the match up of Manny Pacquiao vs. Joshua Clottey will be a much better fight than with Mayweather Jr..
When asked why the Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao fight failed, Arum had this to say: “All the terms were agreed to. Mayweather insisted on random blood and urine testing (for steroids and other performance enhancing drugs) that has never ever been done before in boxing. Pacquiao considered Mayweather’s demand to be bullying, he is one tough Filipino and nobody is bullying Manny Pacquiao”
Arum also said the reason why Manny Pacquiao is fighting so soon is because he has an election in May coming up in the Philippines.
Arum discusses Don King, George W. Bush, Jerry Jones and the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium, UFC (Mixed Martial Arts) and various other topics.
Watch the full interview below:
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