The GLOVES monument, Word fighting sports museum, Championship fighters wall memorial, to located in Las Vegas Arts District, one block north of Charleston Blvd. and Main streets in Las Vegas Nevada.
The Gloves project has been endorsed one hundred percent by the city of Las Vegas and Mayor Oscar Goodman. With itʼs 84 foot tall stainless steel and bronze set of boxing gloves monument, it stands as a major “flagship” project for the arts district in Las Vegas and for the new downtown redevelopment now taking place.
Designed by artist, design Paul-Felix Montez, and developed by his company Las Vegas Big Art LLC, the full design and planning for building the project are fully ready to go upon completion of investment funding. Thus a major digital archive of “all professional fighters ever”, and 3D interactive worlds and history from 6000 B.C. for fighting sports will come alive in the museum as well as a full TV, internet, music, media center, and itʼs own vast retail operations.
The gloves monument already has a huge intent social network following (5000 join ups in itʼs first month on myspace alone) as well as itʼs own hit fight themed song “The Greatest Las Vegas” soon to be released by Universal music group world wide. Along with these accomplishments it will not only revitalize downtown, but offers close to 100 new jobs to the area, along with working with other established companies in the city, thus maintaining not only job growth, business growth but industry growth for all fighting sports in the “Fight capitol of the world”.
For further information: such as who has signed with the project (Richard Steele, Cassius Green) as well as others, and the hear our “hot rap song visit our web site:
To address any questions and get more information contact:
Paul-Felix Montez
(702) 245-5759
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