Here’s an audio interview from Jordan Buscarini’s Radio Show “Drive Time Sports”.
The interview features WBF Executive Director Olaf Schröder and WBF Latin America Coordinator Sergio Sotelo.
“Drive Time Sports” basically discussed the decision to rule the Holyfield-Williams fight a no contest and if that was the right decision, what is next for both fighters, will the WBF stand by Evander Holyfield if he shows true digression in his next fight with Brian Neilson, and who the WBF thinks is the current P4P king.
The “Drive Time Sports” show which can be streamed on the internet 4-5 pm MT time daily.
part 1
[audio:|titles=Holyfield-Williams Discussion part 1]
[audio:|titles=Holyfield-Williams part 2]
Listen to the show at:
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Jordan Buscarini graduated from Southern Utah University in 2010 with a degree in broadcasting with a minor in journalism. Is currently the Sports Director at Castle Country Radio in Price, Utah as well as the host of the Daily Sports Show “Drive Time Sports”