By JR Vivio
Look Paul Spadafora and Floyd Mayweather Jr. sparred and Mayweather got walked down and beaten by Paul.
At 147-pounds, Paul will be punching way harder and will hit him on angles that Mayweather has never seen before.
Floyd’s been ducking Manny Pacquiao and wouldn’t fight Paul Spadafora back in the day.
I sparred with SPADDY and he is the most elusive fighter by far.
My prediction is that Paul will be walking Floyd down and will win by decision on points.
That’s the way his style is and Mayweather knows it, and he stole a lesson in that sparring match on how not to get hit, we will see if he can use it.
If Floyd doesn’t want to fight Manny Pacquiao, a fight with Paul is the next most logical fight for Mayweather to make and Spadafora says he would fight him for free if it came down to it.
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