By Lester Salvador
Last night, I had a dream that “Sugar” Shane Mosley knocked out Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao in the third round with a left hook.
In my dream the Pacman came in over confident and underestimated Mosley, and he paid for it big time.
During the fight from round one to round three, Shane Mosley was faster than Pacquiao and overpowered him at will.
I remember the first round of my dream clearly, Manny and Shane touched gloves and began to circle for a while before throwing, and then Pacquiao threw his hardest straight left followed by a right hook, and it landed flush on Mosley’s chin, but Mosley didn’t get hurt at all and smiled, and charged Manny with his own combo sending Manny in retreat and running for his life. The first round ended and Manny went to his corner with a fake smile, pretending that he wasn’t hurt.
Round two begins with Manny trying to time Mosley but missing because Shane’s speed even at 40-years-old is too much for him. Mosley is not flatfooted like of Manny’s previous opponents and he is giving Pacquiao problems. Every time Manny tries to exchange punches Mosley gets the better of him, and even rocks Manny during the last few seconds of the fight but Manny is saved by the bell.
Round three starts with Shane rushing Manny Pacquiao and hitting him with bombs, causing Manny to take a knee and pretend he was hit in the back of the head. It was a cheap technique of Manny’s to pretend he was hit behind the head when he was wobbled and about to get knocked down. The ref deducts a point and the crowd boos, Mosley was pissed off and after 2 minutes the ref asks Manny if he can continue and Manny looks at Freddie Roach almost to say “please coach, stop the fight he is too strong.” But Freddie doesn’t stop the fight, and the fight goes on. This time Manny does his wild eyes closed combo and lands 3 hard punches on Mosley’s chin, and after Shane takes each one and doesn’t even get hurt Manny is clearly nervous and gets on his bicycle. Manny is running away worse than Sergio Mora. Mosley chases and times Manny catching him with a lead left hook and “BAM!” one punch and Manny is out cold snoring worse than Ricky Hatton. The crowd is shocked and silent as Pacquiao lies there motionless! The Manny Pacquiao media hype was finally destroyed.
Freddie Roach and Buboy run into the ring in tears saying that Mosley hit Manny behind the head and demand that Shane Mosley undergo drug tests immediately.
It was almost too good to be true, and I was saddened when I woke up realizing that it was just a dream, but hopefully this dream comes true. Mosley is such a class act and he deserves this knockout over Manny Pacquiao. Maybe a KO loss will humble Manny Pacquiao and his annoying fans.
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