By Charlie Knoxville
I always see a few people on YouTube, message boards and boxing blogs complain about who Manny Pacquiao fights. If these people can’t stand Manny Pacquiao or his fans, why do they make so many videos or write so many articles talking about the man? If you don’t like him do what I do, don’t waste your time talking about them.
I never see articles or videos by other boxing fans saying BOYCOTT FLOYD MAYWEATHER JR. FIGHTS!
The only person who receives the boycott treatment is Manny Pacquiao, any other fighter could fight a catchweight or a scrub but they don’t waste their time making videos or writing articles calling for a boycott.
When these haters call to boycott the Pacquiao vs. Mosley fight they are denying Manny Pacquiao and Sugar Shane Mosley the right to earn a living. How would you feel if someone was hating on you and trying to get you fired from your job so you don’t earn a paycheck? I bet you wouldn’t enjoy that, so just don’t watch the fight and keep quiet. Pacquiao fights for the fans and he makes sure you get your money’s worth every fight, so why boycott him? It would make more sense to boycott someone who doesn’t want give the fans the fight they want to see and says things like “I don’t care about the fans they don’t pay my bills.” Newsflash: Fans do pay your bills! who pays for tickets and pay-per-view Mr. Mayweather?
It’s no secret that these Pac haters tend to be Floyd Mayweather fan boys. These Floyd fans always whine and say Floyd Mayweather has haters because they are jealous of his money and fame, how can you preach against haters when you guys are haters yourself always hating on Pacquiao and who he fights? I suggest these Pac bashers who like to praise Floyd Mayweather look up the word Hypocrisy.
If you don’t like the man then don’t watch his fights or talk about him, plain and simple. All this shows is how this humble exciting fighter has gotten under your skin without even saying a negative word. Talk about true jealousy, just admit it, you don’t want this man to get more love or surpass your hero Floyd. Nobody is jealous of Floyd Mayweather Jr., the reason he doesn’t receive the same affection from the fans that Manny does is because he is an arrogant braggart who doesn’t fight for the fans and is very obnoxious to top it off, imagine having to work or be around someone like that all the time? The only reason people put up with him is because he is famous and he gives them money. These die hard fanboys who like Floyd are usually the same type of people who enjoy reality TV and material things. They think because Floyd does the most pay-per-view buys and is undefeated he is the greatest boxer of all time.
I think a lot of the reason they boycott Pacquiao fights is because they just don’t want Manny to outdo Floyd Mayweather Jr. in pay-per-view buys. That’s what I believe their motive is when they keep saying Pacquiao vs. insert name here is a horrible fight, they want to discredit Manny’s opponents in hopes that people will not order the pay-per-view because they equate Floyd’s greatness to how many more pay-per-view buys he does than Pacquiao.
They know their fighter isn’t fighting anymore, so the only way they still have something to hold over Manny Pacquiao and his fans are the pay per view numbers, they like to say Floyd does more pay-per-view numbers than Manny, if Manny vs Mosley does big numbers it will hurt them even more and make them more jealous.
Now let’s talk about the reality of the situation, If Manny Pacquiao beats Sugar Shane Mosley in spectacular fashion Floyd Mayweather will continue to avoid Manny Pacquiao and may actually retire for good.
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I am an avid fan of boxing and video games. My first fight of memory was watching Prince Naseem Hamed destroy Kevin Kelly. I enjoy all aspects of the sport. My favorite current boxer is Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao. My favorite boxing match is Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo 1. I love watching boxing on Pay-Per-View more than being there live because you can really enjoy and watch the action from the best view.