NEW YORK, NY (October 16, 2011) – Screenwriter Will Evan will be the special guest speaker Tuesday evening (Oct. 18) for RING 8’s monthly meeting (7 PM/ET start) at the historic Waterfront Crabhouse in Long Island City.
Evans, a RING 8 member, has written the late Arturo Gatti’s story – “Can You Hear The Thunder” – which is a major motion picture. Will was an amateur boxer in Pittsburgh who once defeated future world heavyweight champion Michael Moorer. “We were very young and Michael only weighted 147-pounds then,” Evan noted. “I’ve loved boxing since I was a little boy. Arturo Gatti is a story everybody wants to see.”
Evans plans to speak about the movie, Gatti’s legendary trilogy with “Irish” Micky Ward, and Arturo’s controversial death. He will bring a 350-page book regarding new findings into Gatti’s death for RING 8 members to review.
“Every real boxing fan loved Arturo,” RING 8 president Bob Duffy said. “We’re very fortunate to have Will Evans as our speaker. He’ll give his unique view into the Gatti legend. Our members anxiously await details of the new investigation into his death, as well as an opportunity to hear and remember stories about one of boxing’s all-time great warriors. It’ll be an open forum with membersArturo and Micky were past RING 8 award recipients. It should be another great evening of boxing.”
Formed in 1954 by an ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, RING 8 became the eighth subsidiary of what was then known as the National Veteran Boxers Association — hence, RING “8” — and today the organization’s motto still remains: Boxers Helping Boxers.
RING 8 is fully committed to supporting the less fortunate people in the boxing community that may require assistance in terms of paying rent, medical expenses, or whatever justifiable need.
Go on line to for more information about RING 8, the largest group of its kind in the United States with more than 350 members. Annual membership dues is only $25.00 and each member is entitled to a buffet dinner at RING 8 monthly meetings, the third Tuesday of every month, excluding July and August.
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