By Superstar Billy Graham
The debacle in boxing that occurred nearly two months in Las Vegas between Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley, the uproar and anger is not subsiding. Writers from various publications seems to be putting in their two cents regarding the outcome of the fight. Varying from incompetent judging, and corruption.
Recently the Nevada Attorney General investigated the Pacquiao vs. Bradley fight and their investigation concluded corruption or any improprieties did not occur. However, the Nevada Attorney General did not interview the 3 Judges that were DIRECTLY involved but opted to interview the referee of the fight Robert Byrd. This dumbfounded the public and including Manny Pacquiao’s promoter Bob Arum. Arum questioned why the Attorney General did not interview the judges which is being echoed by the public, especially the boxing public. The Superstar does not understand this either. The Superstar is not a police investigator but it seems to be an easy conclusion that any competent investigator will interview those who were DIRECTLY involved, not the referee who is not involved in the scoring. This type of poor and questionable investigation seems to be lending more conclusion that the fight outcome was due to corruption. For boxing, corruption is part of the game for years.
The Superstar has watched the Pacquiao vs. Bradley fight at least 13 times, it could be more. The Superstar muted the fight so The Superstar could not hear the supposed bias commentary of the HBO commentators Jim Lampley, Emmanuel Steward, Harold Lederman, and Max Kellerman. Also The Superstar watched the fight other than HBO, Sky Sports broadcasted the fight. Team Bradley and some fans believed the fight was close and some even went to say Timothy Bradley eeked out a win over Pacquiao. The Superstar doesn’t share those conclusion and concluded that Manny Pacquiao dominated and outclassed Timothy Bradley. The final score The Superstar gave was 10-2 in favor of Manny Pacquiao and The Superstar was being very generous. Now how did The Superstar make this conclusion? Watch the fight again, not only was Manny landing the power punches more frequent than Bradley but in practically every round besides the 10th round Manny Pacquiao was landing that left while Bradley was mainly ducking and dodging the punches. And throughout the fight, you can see very clear Manny Pacquiao was blocking Timothy Bradley’s punches with relative ease. Unless the judges were mistaking blocked punches as a punch could be the reason why they scored so poorly and may lend to proof scoring the victory to Timothy Bradley was pure incompetence. The great body punches Bradley was giving to Manny Pacquiao towards the second half of the fight according to Judge Duane Ford said on The Fight Game with Jim Lampley, what great body punches was he talking about? Bradley did land a few body punches but it doesn’t negate the damaging punches Manny Pacquiao was landing on Timothy Bradley’s head.
One of the biggest travesties in the fight occurred on the 7th round. This round, Manny was landing that big left frequently and by far did much more damage to Bradley. It was not a close round and concluded this was a Manny Pacquiao round. However, according to the 3 judges, they all gave the 7th round to Timothy Bradley.(see attached pictures below) That is so befuddling, The Superstar wonders whether the judges accidentally marked the favorable score to Bradley instead of Pacquiao. Remember, judges are not perfect and can make mistakes. The Superstar remembers the first Manny Pacquiao vs. Juan Manuel Marquez fight when Pacquiao knocked down Marquez 3 times in the first round and one judge scored it 10-7 instead of 10-6 which made a huge difference on the outcome because the fight ended with a draw instead of a victory for Manny Pacquiao by 1 point. That judge later admitted his mistake in the scoring.
The boxing public clearly sided with Manny Pacquiao and feel he won this fight decisively. According to a poll, 93% favored the fight for Pacquiao, 6% to Bradley, and 1% believed it was a draw. Also another fact shown are the compu-box scores, they show Manny Pacquiao clearly dominated Timothy Bradley in nearly every category except punches thrown. But the punches landed and percentages were so far ahead in favor of Manny Paquiao. Only in boxing were a dominant fighter loses.

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