By Lester Salvador
Since Manny Pacquiao was exposed and beaten by Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez, he is no longer considered a top pound for pound boxer. The real truth is he was never a pound for pound boxer in the first place, just a hype job and media creation.
When a boxer gets put on a pedestal by the media the way Pacquiao was, the masses buy into the hype, and start believing that boxer is really an all time great.
Pacquiao never had real boxing skills, he never had a good win over a prime fighter who wasn’t weight drained or old, he basically used aging fighters with names as stepping stones to help create this image of the little beast from the east tearing up bigger foes.
I was never sold on the Pacman hype train. I’ve been writing about his mismatches and trying to bring knowledge to those who cared to open their eyes and ears to what I had to say. I got labeled a hater for being honest about Manny Pacquiao, and all of those haters who used to spam my articles with negative comments telling me how I didn’t know anything and threw vulgar comments at me have since disappeared.
These Pacman fans have went into hiding, they have been embarrassed ever since their fighter couldn’t knockout an aging Sugar Shane Mosley followed by losses to Tim Bradley and a one punch KO by Juan Manuel Marquez that basically ended his career, I don’t blame them for not showing their faces again after talking all of that crap, trash talking keyboard warriors like the Pacman fans will never apologize or show their faces when they get humbled.
Let’s face it, that knockout Pacquiao suffered is a career ender, he will never be able to take a punch again. He will be a stepping stone for young boxers coming up. Pacquiao will be fed to young fighters the same way he used old drained fighters like Oscar De La Hoya, Miguel Cotto, Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, and Antonio Margarito, as stepping stones to help pad his record.
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I love the sweet science of boxing and enjoy sharing my opinion on it. Boricua!