George Zimmerman, the man known for being acquitted of the shooting death of 17-year-old Florida teen Trayvon Martin is back in the news again this time he will enter the fight game with a Celebrity Boxing match.
The event will be promoted by celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman, the date is set for March 1, 2014 it will be shown on Pay-Per-View (online only) through live streaming video feed.
Feldman is currently looking for a celebrity opponent to match with Zimmerman, popular Los Angeles based rapper The Game told TMZ that he is willing to step up and fight for the memory of Trayvon Martin who lost his life when Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
Zimmerman told Radaronline that before the Trayvon Martin situation he was already taking up boxing to help him lose weight and stay in shape.
Proceeds from the Celebrity Boxing event will be donated to charity.