Canelo Alvarez lies about his knowledge and use of the American term Motherf%cker…
I find Canelo Alvarez searching for reasons to be motivated and perhaps he is worried that he won’t have enough anger in him to beat Caleb Plant on November.
Recently Canelo pretended not to know the American usage of the word “MotherF%cker”. In America, the usage of the term “Motherf%cker” doesn’t target anyone’s mother. It is used in many situations to mean many things, but it is never, or very rarely used to target anyone’s mother.
From Wikipedia – Motherf%cker (/ˈmʌðərfʌkər/ muhth-er-fuhk-er), sometimes abbreviated as mofo, mf, or mf’er, is an English-language vulgarism. It is a form of the profanity f%ck. While the word is usually considered highly offensive, it is rarely used in the literal sense of one who engages in sexual activity with another person’s mother, or their own mother. Rather, it refers to a mean, despicable, or vicious person, or any particularly difficult or frustrating situation. Alternatively, it can be a term of admiration, as in the term badass motherf%cker, meaning a fearless and confident person.
Canelo knows how to use the American term “Motherf%cker”.

How do I know, I know because he has used it himself in one of the many American contexts. e.g. the video is on YouTube with Demetrius Andrade and his father are interrupting Canelo at his post fight press-conference for the Billy Joe Saunders fight.
They are going back and forth and Canelo says to them at about 1:19 seconds into the clip, “Get the F%ck out of here, I’m going to F%ck you up right now “Motherf%cker.”
You can find the video online. The YouTube video is from FightHubTV and the title of the clip is:
“Canelo Explodes on Demetrius Andrade! Has Heated Back and Forth at Post Fight Press Conference”
Canelo claims to have been angered by Caleb Plant because he called him a “Motherf%cker” and he doesn’t stand for any vulgar references to his mother. He allows for you to say anything you want about him, but don’t say anything about his mother. What a JOKE!
Besides using the “Motherf%cker” term himself, he has used the Mexican phrase “Chin%a Tu Madre” referring to an American fighter, Daniel Jacobs, after a jealous exchange with Daniel. A female interviewer asked Canelo about the exchange he had with Jacobs and Canelo basically said Jacobs was acting that way in fear. Fear makes you act that way Canelo said. He went on to say there is a Mexican phrase Mexicans use and he delivered the phrase “Chin%a Tu Madre” and everyone had a good laugh.
I’m here to tell you that this phrase, “Chin%a Tu Madre” is a direct reference to one’s mother, there is no question about it, and one of the highest insults one can offer in the language Mexicans use.
The Hypocrisy comes when you have Mexican-American trainers and fighters siding with Canelo, as if they too don’t know the American usage of the term “Motherf%cker” and they are offended as well. Pretending, as Canelo is, that “Chin%a Tu Madre” and “Motherf%cker” are one in the same when they know better.
Since Canelo knows better and the fans pretending to be offended along with him know better, I can only assume Canelo is trying to conjure up enough anger to win a fight. He wants to be mad at Caleb Plant. He wants to get him back for claiming he was offending his mother. He wants a reason to fight.
Could it be, due to the VADA drug testing agreement, that Canelo knows he won’t be so strong, and he won’t be so fast, and he won’t be so quick and he may actually run out of gas in the late rounds. Canelo can feel the difference in his body when he’s off those Mexican street tacos.
As a matter of fact, as the fight nears you may hear that Canelo has gotten hurt in training, and the fight needs to be postponed or called off.
If the fight goes on and his performance is down, you may hear that he just had a bad day. Every fighter has a bad day occasionally. He’s only human.
One thing for sure, Anabolic Steroids use makes men immortal. As a matter of fact, it’s a “Mother f%cker”, to beat a very good fighter if they are on something. We all know, and we agree, Canelo is a very good fighter.